EXCLUSIVE WEBINAR: Microsoft Outlook Chaos Unleashed — Live Technical Analysis of New Vulnerabilities
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Cybercriminals aggressively target legal firms both for their own data and as a backdoor to client personal and business information.

Protect Confidential Information and Preserve Business Continuity

Law firms hold troves of exceedingly valuable intelligence from business IP, to financial information to merger and acquisition details. Any breach can have massive repercussions for the firm and its clients. Yet legacy systems and custom applications make securing this information challenging.

Morphisec protects legal firms from zero-days and sophisticated, targeted attacks that present the most risk. It prevents exploitation of unpatched security vulnerabilities in applications and operating systems, even specialized plug-ins, with zero impact on the user or system.

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Cyber Security for Law Firms

Percentage of law firms that have had their business disrupted by cyber attacks

Morphisec Protects Legal Firms While Enabling Business Operations

Prevents advanced threats and zero-days

Natively prevents all zero-days, advanced memory-based threats, malicious documents and browser-based attacks, before they execute.

Secures without disrupting business

Tiny 2 Mb agent active only at load-time, installs quickly, requires no management and has zero performance penalty.

Protects across your infrastructure

Functions across virtual, physical or hybrid IT environments, no internet connection required.

Immediate positive ROI

Morphisec has the highest security tool cost-risk value. No need to investigate or analyze, no false positive alerts, no remediation.

What Our Customers Are Saying
“Morphisec prevents unknown cyber attacks with zero time delay for discovery and detection.”

Richard Rushing, Chief Information Security Officer, Motorola

“I was amazed at how easy Morphisec was to deploy and operationalize. Morphisec enables us to focus on critical patching initiatives around Windows, and covers the application-based vulnerabilities with Moving Target Defense.”

Keyur Desai, CIO, Essar Ports & Shipping, Head Infosecurity, Network & Communications, Essar

How Morphisec’s AMTD Works

Unlike other endpoint protection solutions which must first detect an attack in order to stop it, Morphisec prevents advanced attacks from executing by dismantling their delivery mechanisms and kill chain. Morphisec uses patented Moving Target Defense technology to morph the memory space layout so adversaries cannot find an entry point, or the resources required, to execute an attack. This real-time, one-way randomization prevents highly sophisticated attacks, including the most advanced exploits and fileless malware.

  • Morph & Conceal
  • Protect & Deceive
  • Prevent & Expose Attacks

As an application loads to the memory space, Morphisec morphs the process structures, making the memory constantly unpredictable to attackers.


Legitimate application code memory is dynamically updated to use the morphed resources; applications load and run as usual. A skeleton of the original structure is left as a trap.


Attacks target the original structure and fail as they cannot find the resources they expect and need. Attacks are immediately prevented, trapped and logged with full forensic details.

Ready to Get Started?

Morphisec reduces your organization’s risk exposure without affecting business productivity or creating work for your security team. Let our experts show you how it works.

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