Recent Webinar: Building an Adaptive Cyber Resilient Cloud
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Web-based attacks are one of the top methods of system compromise and they are on the rise. Nearly half of all threats entered organizations via web-based drive-by or download.

Use Web Applications Without Risk

Browsers are integral to an effective working environment but they also serve as the perfect cyberattack vector. Fileless attacks that take advantage of browser third-party plug-ins like JavaScript, Flash, and ActiveX, pose the most danger as there are no links or files for security systems to analyze and behavioral detection always leaves some window of exposure. Morphisec instantaneously stops all browser-based attacks before they can penetrate your system or gain access to your network.

Morphisec’s moving target defense technology protects every browser instance by adding a dedicated memory defense layer that prevents fileless attacks from ever gaining a foothold. It works invisible to the end user, with no alteration to the application interface, and never slows down operations so your organization can simply get on with its business.


Amount web-based attacks cost companies on average annually

Prevent Browser Security Threats

Prevents advanced unknown threats instantaneously

Natively prevents zero-days, fileless memory attacks, malicious documents and browser-based threats at the moment of attack.

Easy to deploy and manage with zero impact on operations

Tiny 2MB agent that installs quickly, does not slow performance and does not interrupt operations for updates or scans.

Permanently sanitizes applications of adware

Strips adware functionality from applications while they are being installed, allowing users to safely install tools without disruptive and resource-consuming adware.

Immediate positive ROI

Morphisec has the greatest security cost-risk value of any ATP tool on the market. No need to analyze, investigate or remediate. No false positive alerts. No remediation.

What Our Customers Are Saying

“I was amazed that we could roll out an entire new crucial defense layer that quickly and smoothly. I credit not just the ingenious simplicity of the software but also the high level of cooperation between my teams and Morphisec support and engineers.”

CISO, Fortune 1000 Manufacturing Company

Ready to Get Started?

Morphisec reduces your organization’s risk exposure without affecting business productivity or creating work for your security team. Let our experts show you how it works.

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